Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Past Travels

I still suck at blogging but i hope this post is a better attempt then yesterdays!

Before I actually go to Paraguay, I thought I might fill you in on some of my past travels since the blog is titled: ...My Travels.

Here are the top 5 places I've been to:
1. Norway
2. Bermuda
3. Disney World
4. Canada
5. Washington DC

I know they don't sound that exciting, but a trip depends on what you make of it. You could go to Hawaii and hate it or Antarctica and have the time of your life.

Norway is #1 because I know so many Norwegians and if you ask my friends, I'm a bit too obsessed with Norway. My family hosted an exchange student from Norway and since then, my family and I have loved the country. If you ever get the chance, go there, it is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Bermuda is just awesome, I went there on a cruse. The sand never gets hot, (it has pink coral in it!) snorkeling is so much fun, and they drive on the other side of the road! Its the best dream vacation ever!

I am a Disney fanatic! I know so much about Disney world its unbelievable, if you've never been there you have to go, its a classic. Don't be like my aunt and uncle and deprive your kids of, (jk!). When I go to college I plan to do there summer program and possibly work as Tinkerbell (I'm to short be any other princess).

I love Canada, it's really pretty too, however I've only been to Niagara Falls (4 times). There is a lot to do and you get to see another country. I love international travel so I love going to Niagara Falls!

I love DC, but I ranked it lower because I've been there like 6 times. Just don't go in the summer, the temperature is in the 100s and the humidity is terrible.

I've been to lots of other places too, these are just my top favorites!

PS I just booked my flights yesterday, Paraguay here I come!!!!

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