Monday, August 27, 2012

This Isn't The End, Trust Me

I am not sure if anyone still reads this because my school starts tomorrow, so it is probably a given that I am home by now. It has literally been a week since I have been back (well, not including hours, I got back last Wednesday around 7). I went down the escalators in the Pittsburgh Airport and was expecting to see my mom and my dad, maybe my brother and sister (I wasn't sure about them though because just my parents originally took me to the airport). So as I descended I look around, I saw one guy I thought was my grandpa from my dad's side, but it wasn't him, and I hadn't seen anyone else familiar. Then from out of no where a giant group comes towards me (I was off the escalator by now) with a sign and balloons, it was totally unexpected, but great surprise.

Oh wait, I have to do the last 4 pages in my math does start tomorrow, so I will finish telling you the end of my trip when I finish my college statistics...

Thanks for waiting, so where was I...oh yeah, I found my family. My grandma and grandpa, one of my aunts and uncles, two of my cousins, my sister, and my parents were there! I wan't expecting any of it. My aunt brought me tons of candy, which I had missed (they don't eat as many sweets there even though they have them). It was like we were having a party right in the middle of the airport, next to the luggage carousel. I opened my suit case and just started pulling things out! My mom commented on the "HEAVY" sticker that even I had not seen before. They must have stuck it on there somewhere between airports. I did have to pay kind of a lot for it. I was supposed to get 70lbs free since I was coming from Brazil, I guess it just weighed even more than 70lbs (but I can actually believe that). I know I brought home so much stuff, but Paraguay is my second home, and these things are some of the only memories I have to keep what I had there alive. I know I will be back there someday, I just don't know when that day will be. Just as long as I make it back, that will be good enough for me!

Please, please, please forget how terrible I look in this picture! I have been traveling for over 24 hours, I don't normally look that particularly bad

I don't know if this will be my last post or not, so just check back in a month or so. But please, don't forget about South America, or Africa, or parts of Asia, and even parts of the US, people always need your help, don't forget about them, even the smallest of things will help, and even if it doesn't help them it should at least help you (I hope that makes sense).

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